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tv   Fox 5 News Edge at 11  FOX  July 21, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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someone who might like to join the laurel rosie the riveter chapter, you can visit our website for more information, the news keeps coming tonight. shawn is in for brian for the news edge at 11:00. the news edge is working breaking news off the top tonight in the district. a man police shot with a gun on 13th street northwest. fox 5's audrey barnes just arrived on the scene. what do you know at this point? >> reporter: this is quite a crime scene here at the corner of 13th and missouri avenue in northwest. d.c. police got a call about 9:23 tonight about a man with a gun. officers arrived here searched the location around georgia av and missouri and located the suspect up the street -- georgia avenue and missouri and located the suspect up the street about a block away between 13th and nicholson street. there was a provocation and the man was shot several times and is on his way to the hospital. police cordoned off several blocks in each direction from
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13th and missouri, colorado, nicholson street all behind the area behind the missouri market. it's all cordoned off while police investigate this incident. we're not sure exactly what type of confrontation there was, but we do know just to recap for you that one man was shot by d.c. police tonight. he is on his way to the hospital. i just talked with the public information officer. he told me at last check that suspect was still alive, but this is a pretty active crime scene out here. assistant chief diane grooms is here. we're expecting to get a little more information in a moment. back to you. >> keep us posted. thank you. well, here we are minutes after 11:00, but the sweltering summer heat still hasn't called it quits. in fact, right now it is a balmy 89 degrees. the heat index right now is in the triple digits. you can bet that blistering sun will be back tomorrow morning with a vengeance. we're in the weather center with sue palka who has been monitoring these dangerous temperatures very closely. tomorrow is supposed to be worse? >> this is concerning here our
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temperatures still not dropping at 11:00. that's what the 10:00 temperature was. heat index is a little better, dew point still in the upper 70s. so tomorrow will be the worst of this very bad heatwave. saturday will be a little less brutal, maybe some relief coming. we'll talk first about what you need to know tomorrow. to get yourself ready, we are watching that excessive heat warning that got bumped up. it will begin at 10:00 in the morning until 10 p.m. tomorrow night for our hottest day of the heatwave and then we keep it going saturday. what we're really concerned about is the humidity. we look at temperatures across the region. virtually everyone is still in the 80s at this hour. this is what i would expect to see at 4:00 in the afternoon. then with that humidity it feels like 104 in the district. it still feel like 103 in annapolis. this is the south wind doing this today. fredericksburg still feel like 105 degrees and cumberland in western maryland where you think they'd catch a break,
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nobody is escaping this. it's widespread and talking about our comfort index, it's so bad because the humidity is so high. any time you have a dew point over 75 it is oppressive. ours was 81 last hour, 79 now and that's why it's hard to get your breath outside. >> it is very thick out there. we were out there about an hour ago. >> it does take its toll. you may think you're immune, but it will wear you down. tomorrow will be the worst of it. a special heads up for the friday heat. >> we'll check in with you a little bit later. if you're hot outside, imagine what it's like for your pets. tonight the washington humane society is appealing to pet owners to protect their animals. fox 5's matt ackland reports the heat has already proven deadly. >> does he appear to be in distress right now? >> reporter: at the wash humane society the extreme heat is prompt -- washington humane society the extreme heat is prompting calls from worried residents. officer jennifer gardner checks out each call with a site visit. >> we got a call from someone
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saying the two dogs had been outside all day and she felt it was too hot outside. >> reporter: we followed officer gardner to this northwest home where we found two dogs out back. they appeared very hot. they had no shade and they were even using their drinking water to cool off in. >> it was really -- we really encourage people to find a place inside their homes to bring the dog in whether it's somewhere in the basement, a bathroom, somewhere safe for the dog to stay of. >> reporter: this summer the washington humane society says several dogs have died in this extreme heat. this pitbull named lacey was rescued last week after officers warned her owner repeatedly to protect lacey from the elements. >> she needed to be removed from she did suffer from heat exhaustion. >> reporter: in this case the dogs appeared overheated but not enough to remove them from the backyard. instead officer gardner knocked on the owner's door and when there was no answer, she left a written warning. >> hopefully once we talk to them maybe we can advise them
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of the dangers of leaving dogs outside in this heat. maybe they'll keep the dogs inside tomorrow when it's going to be even hotter. >> reporter: neglecting animals in this heat can be considered a crime. in fact, in some cases if there's serious neglect and the pet dies, the owner can be arrested. in northwest matt ackland, fox 5 news. if you have to be out in the heat, make sure you stay hydrated. tourists visiting the national mall are discovering water is certainly the key to staying cool out there. fox 5's paul wagner has the story. >> reporter: it's one of the most beautiful memorials in all of washington and quite possibly the coolest or so we thought. >> no. it doesn't help. >> reporter: sylvia garcia and her family purposely decided to tour the franklin roosevelt memorial because they knew there would be water. how are you dealing with the heat other than sitting next to this nice waterfall? >> well, we are using lots of
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sunscreen and throwing water over us. we don't know what more to do. >> reporter: norma carter and her family are visiting from houston, texas, where the humidity is legendary but this? they found a fountain of waterfalls to be refreshing. >> it was a very pleasant surprise to find it in this heat. >> reporter: did you sit by any of them for a few minutes? >> yes. yes, we did and every sprinkler system we saw on the way we ran through. >> reporter: a pleasant breeze for a good part of the day kept things somewhat cool, but when the clouds parted and sun began beating down, it was time to find some shade and some water. pete perrenger with d.c. fire and ems says the calls for service have shot up in recent days. >> we've seen in the fast two days a 25% increase in call volume, which is a little over 500 calls. about 400 are ems related which translates into about 300 people being transported to the hospital each day. >> reporter: he says paramedics are seeing all sorts of
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symptoms on their calls throughout the city. >> we've had the calls from simple dehydration, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and then, of course, worst is heatstroke. so countless number other of preexisting conditions that are just aggravated by this hot weather. >> reporter: no matter how hot it gets you're still likely to see people like this who don't seem to be bothered by the heat at all. >> take it easy out there. the extreme heat is taking a toll on thousands of civil war reenactors in town commemorating the 150th anniversary of the battle of bull run which was the first major battle of the civil war. they gathered today in manassas. tonight many of them are spending the night in tents on battlefield and trying to cope with this oppressive heat. >> this is the toughest heat
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that we've ever experienced. the 140th event was very hot, but today it was terrible. >> today kicked off four days commemorating the events that took place there at the battlefield. major reenactments are scheduled for this weekend. more than 8,000 reenactors and 10,000 people are expected to attend. are you ready for some football? i know i am. tonight we may just be a few small steps away from the end of the lockout. fox 5's sports director dave feldman is following the latest development. >> one group has said yes, let's play football and another group says well, not quite so sure. let's review some things. we'll give you the latest on where the labor unrest stands coming up in sports. plus nearly tennessee years after 9/11 there's another emerge -- 10 years after 9/11 there's another emerging threat to the u.s. and you might be surprised to hear how often it's popping up within our borders. first a sneak peek with the other stories in our rundown tonight. we're back in 60 seconds. >> this is fox 5 news edge at 11:00. 
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it's been seven years since the 9/11 commission issued its report on what america needs to do to protect itself. osama bin laden bin is now dead. airport security is tighter, but the question remains what have we really learned? we'll take a closer look. >> reporter: well, osama bin laden bin was killed in may by u.s. navy seals at this compound in abbottabad pakistan, the al qaeda franchise in yemen, anwar -- anwar al-malaki is the next wave. >> we have all these other groups now in addition to al- qaeda. >> reporter: a new progress report that investigates whether the 9/11 commission recommendations are being implemented says homegrown terrorism is val to the emerging threat picture. a case of homegrown terrorism
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with links to an international group every two to three weeks has been noted since january of 2009. just last week a 22-year-old pennsylvania man was accused of using the internet to courage domestic attacks by jihaddists. >> we can't presume that a threat will come at us from abroad. >> reporter: and napolitano confirmed plots have been disrupted without the public's knowledge. >> there have been many plots that have been interfered with over time, yes. >> reporter: that are not public knowledge? >> probably not public knowledge, yes. >> reporter: would you say a handful, a dozen? >> i don't want to put a number on it. >> reporter: the new dhs report said information sharing has been expanded, a multi-layer approach to airline security was adopted, intelligence is used more broadly to identify high risk passengers and cargo before they enter the u.s. it could mean less invasive screening in the future. >> all the things you have to take off going through the gate, that will be able to relieve some of those restrictions over time. >> reporter: napolitano says
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cyber security remains a weakness. >> almost by the time we talk about a particular virus or piece of malware it's already out of date. >> reporter: in a statement the former chair and vice chair of the 9/11 commission said homeland security made progress but gaps still exist pointing specifically to the communication problems that have not been resolved for first responders. coming up next judgment day for the man who robbed an actor and white house insider on the streets of the district. plus ever wondered who is spying on you? new numbers show us who is snooping around online in tonight's fox 5 top five. but first take a look at this. it's about the best way to advertise during this extreme heatwave. this picture of the uptown theater in minneapolis has gone viral. the marquee cuts straight to the chase. we have ac. who cares what's playing. i like it.
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the man who mugged actor kal penn is heading to prison. penn was working as a white house aide last year when marcelus chambers robbed him. the judge sentenced chambers to three years in prison. he apologized to penn in court today. penn is now leaving politics returning to hollywood to resume his acting career. well, he is one of america's most notorious
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criminals and if you visit the national museum of crime and punishment, you can see a new exhibit featuring items that once belonged to ted kaczynski, the unabomber. the museum bought some of the items at government auction last month. they include kaczynski's passport photos, wood saw and a scale used in his mail bomb attacks. kaczynski is serving a life sentence at a supermax prison in colorado. so who is spying on you? chances are it's someone you know. back over to laura now for your fox 5 top five. >> up first tonight, shawn, how facebook, twitter, e-mail and smartphones are helping us become a nation of spies. no. 5, a recent survey found we all check up on our kids and spouses. 33% of people surveyed admit they've checked a partner's e- mail or call history. 37% of parents admit to checking their kids' e-mails and texts and the survey found people 25 and younger seemed to do the most snooping. no. 4, what's in your chicken?
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the agriculture department wants to make sure every ingredient is listed on the label. many food companies routinely add chicken broth, teriyaki sauce and salt and water. no. 3, the power of positive thinking works. a new study found having a positive outlook helps lower the risk of stroke. researchers believe people who expect the best things in life take active steps to stay healthy. no. 2, heads up if your weekend plans include metro. weekend track work on the green, orange and redlines will cause delays up to 30 minutes. work starts friday at 10 p.m., runs through closing sunday. check metro's website for specific details. and no. 1 tonight, you don't have ac, the next few days will be almost unbearable. d.c., maryland and virginia do have cooling centers open for you. you can find a list of all those centers on our website. go to and look under local news. that is tonight's fox 5 top five. >> tell you what, you need to
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beat the heat now, can you believe it's 11:17 and still 89 degrees outside? >> oh, my. >> what is going on? >> it's going to be a hot one tomorrow, shawn. that's what that's telling us and considerably warmer than it was last night, too, and the humidity stayed so oppressive, so these nights do not cool off and that air conditioner is probably running all night long if you're lucky enough to have one still working. i have a feeling it will do that again tomorrow as we look live tonight at the national cathedral, not even a cooling thunderstorm to help us out but we could get a couple over the weekend. i want to start off on a positive note. we may get some relief we think sunday. perhaps we'll drop to the mid- 90s. keep your fingers crossed and there will be more wholesale relief next week. we were 99 degrees today, dallas 102, wichita 105, st. louis 103. go up to minneapolis, 86. detroit was at 100. crazy hot temperatures, boston
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up to 97 degrees headed for 99 tomorrow. the excessive heat warning kicks in tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. running till 10:00 at night and we'll do it again saturday. here is that temperature of 89. we have not gotten cooler since we last spoke at 10:00, 81 manassas, 88 for martinsburg and winchester, frederick feels like 86 and hagerstown at 90. we factor in humidity, so team like 104 in d.c., 103 it feels like in annapolis, 100 baltimore, 102 for fredericksburg. that's what we're talking about for tomorrow, getting you ready for the fact we'll get up to 102, but it may feel as hot as 115 to even 120. perhaps we'll get a thunderstorm. feel lucky if you get it. 100 degrees, though, on saturday and just a spotty storm possible sunday at 96 degrees. a few storms around this weekend, not widespread, but that 96 will be the beginning of what we hope will be a good
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trend. wanted to let you know we're still tracking two tropical storms. bret has weakened to a tropical depression. we still have tropical storm cindy. they will miss bermuda but we'll have high surf across the east coast. since this might inspire you to head to the beaches this weekend, bret will be passing our latitude as a weak tropical depression but may have 30-mile an hour winds and it will kick up surf. cindy is pretty far out to see. heading town to ocean city? 93 on -- down to ocean city? 93 saturday, bethany about the same temperature. up the coast we find water temperature at 78. that ought to be inviting, maybe a couple thunderstorms around sunday at the beaches. here's your five-day forecast. triple digits the next two day closing up on sunday at 96, scattered storms monday at 92 degrees, but tuesday worth waiting for, 89 degrees. that will feel a lot better and much closer to average for this time of year. coming up next dave feldman is here with sport.
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what about this nfl lockout? we thought it was over. we'll have the latest from dave when we return. 
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good evening. i'm dave feldman. you know how two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different. welcome to the nfl labor talks. owners overwhelmly voted for a tentative agreement earlier tonight pending an okay from the players who had a conference call tonight but did not vote.
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so we're still waiting. the owners' plan was a 10 year firm deal that would run through 2020. the league here would open up wednesday. players would be able to report to work this saturday and the skins would have opened up training camp on time next thursday, a week from today. the players still have some issues. the owners say they don't. >> we have a 10 year agreement which i think is going to be great for everyone involved for the game, no. 1, our fans and so i guess i'd say to them we're getting close to getting football back. that's what we want. we want to get started with football. >> it's not a big deal if we miss two or three days of training camp. it's not a big deal if it pushes into a week. the big deal is we get it right, that we don't have to worry about this for an extended period of time. i can't in any way, shape or form see us missing football. >> and this from former redskin
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current pittsburgh steeler ryan clark on twitter tonight. the owners want you to believe that they have been extremely fair everywhere and this is their olive branch to finalize it. media, mind games. nfl canceled its hall of fame game between st. louis and chicago scheduled for august 7th in canton, ohio. the hall of fame induction ceremonies will still take place august 6th and former skins linebacker chris hamburger will be enshrined. rennae stubbs and the kastles with the chance to go 4- 0 in regular season hosting the philadelphia freedom. first up mixed doubles, the kastles, pays and stubbs in the far side and they get the first point. in men's doubles pays finishes it strong and take the set 5-3. later reynolds on to close out the match in a perfect regular season and he does. the kastles win 25-11 to become
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only the second team in the history of world team tennis to go undefeated in regular season. >> to be coaching a team that's 14-0, i can't believe it. i really can't. i'm speechless. >> that's something if murphy jensen is speechless. yesterday tiger woods fired his long time caddy steven woods. the duo teamed up for 72 tournaments worldwide including 13 majors. the two were in each other's weddings. tiger said it was time for a change, so the day after the firing williams fired back. >> i stuck by him through thick and thin. i've been incredibly loyal and then, you know, to have this happen, i mean basically you could say i've wasted two years of my life the last two years. i wouldn't ditch somebody when the chips are down. i stuck by tiger and he put myself and my family in a difficult position for quite a period of time. i stuck by him, was loyal to him and so i'm very
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disappointed. the nats and orioles both off tonight. the nats continue their road trip tomorrow night against the dodgers. the orioles will host l.a.'s other team the angels. i'm dave feldman. shawn is back to wrap up the edge right after this. have a great night. stay cool.
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want to update you on the breaking news in the district we brought you at the top of the


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